This regulation made pursuant to the powers conferred upon the Commission by the Nigeria Pilgrim commission Act 2007, shall apply to all persons including but not limited to the Commissioners, staff, intending Pilgrims, Persons on Pilgrimage, and Licensed service providers to the commission and other persons having dealings with the Act.
2:01. The State Pilgrims Board shall act as Agents to the Commission in terms of issuing of forms, collection of dully completed forms, Collection of any fee payable by the would be Pilgrims and Transmission of same to the Commission on or before the 31st of March every year or any other time as may be fixed by the Commission; Provided that all payments as may be required by intending Pilgrims, shall be by a certified bank draft.
The Commission may from time to time accredit and register desiring qualified traveling Agencies to work with the Commission.
3:01. All travel agencies desiring to work with the Commission shall obtain the required form from the Commission for a non refundable fee to determined by the Commission from time to time.
3:02. Any travel agency desirous of working with the Commission shall amongst other qualifications to be determined by the Commission , be a duly registered Company with the Corporate Affairs Commission with a minimum share capital of N120,000,00.00, accompanied with a certified true copy of the forms for the particulars of the directors and return of allotment of shares, with a physical office address, with a work force of not less than 15 persons with foreign partners in the Jerusalem, internet compliant, and International Air Transport Association Licensed (IATA).
3:03. Upon the receipt of the dully completed registration forms, the Commission shall conduct the necessary searches and investigation and may invite any agency for further discussion. The Commission shall have the exclusive right to register any agency and will not be obligated to explain its preference to the other agencies.
3:04. All travel agencies so registered as in (3) above shall be required to pay a registration fee to be specified by the Commission from time to time.
3:05. The registration of the travel agencies shall be for a period of two years after which the agency is free to reapply.
3: 06. All registered travel agencies with the Commission, are required to:
(a). Design a comprehensive all inclusive Pilgrimage program including but not limited to, sites to be visited.
(b). Obtain permissions and dates for the sites to be visited.
©. To arrange for the best time for and duration of the pilgrimage
(d). To provide accommodation and feed the pilgrims whilst at Jerusalem and other sites whilst the Pilgrimage lasts.
(e). To arrange and ensure that adequate security of lives and property are accorded the pilgrims.
(f). To arrange and provide adequate healthcare facility for the Pilgrims whilst on Pilgrimage and ensure that all necessary vaccines are given to them before leaving Nigeria.
(g). To arrange for adequate insurance cover for the Pilgrims.
(h). To make adequate arrangements for local transportation of the Pilgrims while on Pilgrimage.
(i). To procure visas and arrange and obtain their air tickets from airlines registered with the commission for the purpose of lifting pilgrims from Nigeria and from the State of Israel, and other sites in the world back to Nigeria.
3: 08. The travel agencies are to submit an annual report of their activities, stating amongst other things, the number of pilgrims so lifted to the various sites in the world and catered for and how many returned, how many absconded, the number that ran into conflict with the law whilst on pilgrimage, the hotels used and the type of accommodation provided, the feeding pattern and types, the state of the healthcare provided, the type of insurance cover provided and justifications for all actions taken by the travel agencies, general reactions of the pilgrims on their arrangements. All without prejudice to the right of the Commission to conduct its own investigations and hold opinion on the activities of the travel agencies.
3: 09. The Commission shall after each pilgrimage evaluate the activities of the travel agencies. The Commission reserves the right to deregister any travel agency found to have performed below the Commissions guidelines. This is the Commission will do by refusing to collect the annual registration renewal fee from the travel agency. Provided any travel agency so deregistered shall forfeits the registration fees paid to the Commission and personally defray other expenses incurred outside the Commissions mandate.
(4) Church Group Operators
4.1. The Commission may from time to time accredit and register desiring churches or church groups to run pilgrimages to Holy Sites anywhere in the world.
4.2. Any church or church group desires to organize any such pilgrimage shall obtain the requisite Form from the Commission for a non-refundable fee to be determined by the Commission.
4.3. To be qualified for registration a church or church group must have been statutorily registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission and must attach to its application Form the certified true copy of the particulars of Trustees or in the case of the mainline denominations, s formal letter signed the Archbishop or Head of the said denomination as officially designated.
4.4. Upon the receipt of the duly completed application form and the required attachments thereof, the Commission shall conduct the necessary searches and investigations and may invite persons, or group of persons for further discussion and if it is satisfied shall issue such church of church group a Certificate of Registration. The Commission reserves the right to refuse to register any church of church group and shall no be obliged to give reasons for its refusal.
4.5. Any church or church group so registered under subsection 4.0 above shall be required to pay a registration fee to be specifies by the Commission as different from that charged the PCPOs.
4.6. Any church or church group so registered shall renew its registration annually for a fee to be determined by the Commission.
4.7. A registered church or church group shall lose its registration if it discovered tat it has done thins that negates the tenets of the Christian religion and compromises the integrity and image of the Federal republic of Nigeria.
4.8. A church or church group so deregistered as in 4.07 above shall not reapply until four (4) years after or any other time as may be fixed by the Commission.
4.9. All registered churches or church groups so registered shall be assisted by the Commission.
(a). In the procurement of Visas for their intending pilgrims but not before such intending pilgrims have been screened by the Commission.
(b). In obtaining Presidential as well as Central Bank of Nigeria approvals for fund transfer as well as available concessions as the case may be.
©. In facilitating Consular assistance from Nigerian diplomatic Missions in relevant countries as the case may be.
4.10. All registered churches or church groups are required to:
4.11. The church or church group is required to submit an annual report their activities, stating amongst other things:
(a). The number of pilgrims so lifted to the various Christian sites in the world and catered for:
(b). How many returned back to Country.
©. How many absconded
(d). the number of pilgrims that ran into conflict with the law
(e). The hotels and any other accommodation used
(f). The number of death if any.
5.1. The Commission shall from time to accredit and register desiring airlines to work with it for the purpose of air lifting pilgrims to the State of Israel and back to Nigeria
5.2. All airlines desiring to lift pilgrims shall obtain an application form from the commission for a non refundable deposit of N100, 000.00 / N1, 000,000.00
5.3. All dully completed forms shall be returned to the Commission with evidence of incorporation with Corporate Affairs Commission, certified true copies of forms for the particulars of directors and return of allotment of shares. In addition to this, all safety certifications and latest and permits to operate in Nigeria and Jerusalem.
5.4. The Commission shall upon submission of the airlines forms evaluate the application and where necessary consult experts to inspects the planes and to conduct its investigations to verify the information contained on the forms.
5.5. The Commission upon being satisfied with any airline may invite the airline to register with the Commission by completing the necessary forms and paying the required fees.
5.6. The airlines will be required to work with any of the registered travel agencies with the Commission. Provided that the contract with the travel agency and the airline shall not contravene any provision of this regulation.
5.7. The registration with the Commission shall be for a period of two years and the airlines are required to pay annual fee of N1, 000,000.00 to the Commission to renew their registration.
5.8. The commission reserves the right to terminate registration of any airline on group of under performance and delay in lifting pilgrims to and from the Holy Land.
5.9. The airlines are to submit reports of their activities annually to the Commission.
6.1. A person shall be eligible to perform pilgrimage if:
(a) He / She is a member of a Christian congregation in Nigeria and is duly recommended by his/her spiritual leader;
(b) He / She has a means of livelihood;
(c) He / She is at least 30 years of age and must not be an undergraduate;
(d) Every married woman is eligible notwithstanding her age;
(e) He / She provides a reasonable sponsor who shall sign an undertaking that the intending pilgrim will return and write a letter of good standing for the pilgrim;
7.1. A sponsor to an intending pilgrim shall be a person of good and unquestionable character, a member of a Christian congregation, and a member of any of the following professions:
(a) A Medical practitioner
(b) A Legal practitioner
(c) A Reverend Gentleman
(d) A Senior civil servant not below grade level 12 / 14
7.2. The sponsors shall be sureties to the person so sponsored and in event of abscondment the sponsor shall be held liable.